Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Swimming Pool Lifts and Hoists

An increasingly popular mobility aid is the swimming pool hoist. As disabled access slowly becomes more of a priority, the sight of products like this will become far more frequent. Every swimming pool that is open to the public should have this type of equipment available, be it a school pool, sports centre or a hotel. Not only is it the right thing to do, it is also a legal requirement. The Disability Discrimination Act states that since October 2004 service providers have to make reasonable adjustments to the physical features of their premises to overcome physical barriers to access. In my opinion this means that if you have a pool that is used by the public then you need to consider providing access for the disabled.

Oxford Dipper Pool Hoist
Swimming Pool Hoist
The Oxford Dipper Pool Hoist is a hydraulically operated patient lift intended for use in swimming pools, therapy pools or at quayside locations. The hoist is suitable for the following categories of lift.

  • Category A - Wheelchair
  • Category C - Bath
  • Category D - Toilet/Shower Chair
  • Category E - Floor
  • Category F - 90 Degree Rotation

The dipper is suitable for patients in the sitting, sitting/recumbent and recumbent positions. For more information check out our newly updated website pages. Pool Hoists and Lifts.

Mobility Blog

Hello and welcome to my new blog which is all about mobility products for the disabled. I am a director of a company called Dolphin Mobility Ltd operating in the UK. When the company started we were exclusively selling stairlifts but were soon being asked for information about other products by many of the people that had bought a lift from us. Through this blog I hope to pass on some of the knowledge and expertise that my company has accrued over the years.