Thursday, December 06, 2007
Wessex Home Lift - Wheelchair Lifts
Government ramps up funding for home adaptations
The DFG will increase by £25 million for 2008/09, a significant increase of 20 per cent, taking central Government funding up to £146 million. Central government funding for DFG has already doubled since 1997 from £57 million to £121 million this year.
Around 35,000 older and disabled people already receive DFG support every year. Adaptations funded include improved access to homes, such as widened doors, and basic facilities within a home, like a track and hoist.
The Government also announced plans to strengthen Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs), the locally based not-for-profit organisations that help homeowners and tenants renting private housing repair and maintain their homes.
The new programmes Communities and Local Government announced to support HIAs are:
* A new three-year contract for a national co-ordinating body for HIAs. The body will support the delivery of the forthcoming national strategy for housing in an ageing society, provide ongoing support to HIAs and give a voice for the sector in Government.
* A Future HIA project, to be taken forward by Foundations Home Improvement Agency, to help ensure that HIAs are fit for the future and to see whether they can deliver wider services, such as housing options advice, gardening services, support for people discharged from hospital. Foundations will report to Government next year.
Communities Minister Baroness Andrews said:
"Most people are happy with their current homes and want to remain where they live for as long as possible, but the decisions people make on staying put or moving are increasingly motivated by their health and well-being.
"This package of funding and initiatives will help people make the right choices for them and not feel pressured into moving into sheltered housing or residential care.
"We want to ensure that older people have the best possible advice on their housing options and to help them live independently for as long as possible. Living longer should mean living well, not more years spent in accommodation unsuitable for those with a chronic illness or disability."
HIAs advise people on improvements and adaptations which they may need to their homes and assist them in applying for local authority grants or loans to carry out the required work.
They also help to identify reputable local contractors, helping vulnerable people to avoid 'cowboy' builders. They then oversee the work to ensure that their clients are completely satisfied.
In 2004/05, HIAs in England dealt with 103,000 enquiries where substantial advice was given, and in 38,700 cases, this led to work being carried out by the HIA.
Notes to Editors
1. The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) is a mandatory entitlement administered by local housing authorities, to help fund the provision of adaptations to enable disabled people to live as comfortably and independently as possible in their homes.
2. Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) are small, locally based not-for-profit organisations, although some are part of larger housing and support service organisations or local authorities. HIAs receive most of their revenue funding from local government through Supporting People (SP) and general housing funds. Under SP, funding decisions are made by local authorities rather than by central government. This has encouraged HIAs to be more diverse, working to local rather than national agendas. The proportion of the population over 75 years old covered by HIAs has risen from 61% in 1999 to 92% in 2006.
3. Communities and Local Government sponsors a national co-ordinating body for HIAs (called Foundations) to support the work of HIAs, including promoting and raising the profile of HIAs, increasingly with local service commissioners and local area agreements; representing the movement in dealing with government and other stakeholders, and building HIA capacity.
Public Enquiries: 020 7944 4400; News Releases:
Client ref 230
GNN ref 154843P
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
High pressure sales advice from The Scotsman
I particularly recommend the following advice.
"Sales people may try to make you feel that if you don't buy a particular item now you will lose out; offer you a massive discount on an original high price; try to build up your commitment to the product so that you can't say no later on; use expert opinions to influence your decision or use personal information they gain from you to persuade you to agree you are interested in the product.
"Ask friends and family for recommendations of companies or traders before you buy. Shop around and if it's a large purchase consider getting several quotes.
"Try to have a friend or relative with you for support and to witness any verbal claims that are made. Make sure you get everything in writing, including any special deals or discounts.
"Don't sign on the spot - always read any contract carefully, and if you're being asked to sign a credit agreement, think about getting someone else to check the details before you sign.
"If a product costs over £100, using a credit card may give you extra protection if the goods are faulty or not as described."
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Disabled Access in London
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
New Dolphin Mobility Logo

Friday, November 16, 2007
Mobility Products on YouTube
Thursday, November 15, 2007
EasyTrack Free Standing Hoist
Please check out the Dolphin website if you would like more information on this free standing disabled hoist.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Reconditioned Second Hand Stairlifts
Friday, November 02, 2007
New Dolphin Mobility Corporate Brochure
Dolphin Mobility Corporate Brochure
Friday, September 21, 2007
Oxford Dipper Pool Lift Video
Friday, September 07, 2007
Pool Lift Stability Vest
The vest was designed for people with no upper body or trunk stability. It attaches the user to the chair and straps them in for support.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Pool Lift - Splash Caddy Video
To find out more about the Splash and other swimming pool products visit the dolphin lifts website.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Mobility Scooter Tax Alert
Paul Carter, August 2007
The price of mobility scooters could increase by as much as £250 as a result of EU changes to customs regulations.
Under the new rules, scooters are now classified as 'motor vehicles for the transport of persons' rather than ‘carriages for disabled persons' meaning that they attract an import duty of 10%.
The trade body which represents the majority of scooter manufacturers and importers in the UK also says that HMRC is issuing demands for three years’ back payment of duty, as the regulations came into force six years ago.
Ray Hodgkinson, the director general of the British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) said: “This position needs to be reviewed urgently. A price increase of over £250 will cause hardship to many consumers, and because some of our members will be unable to pay the back demands (totalling £10m) they may go out of business, so reducing choice of product.”
Gordon Lishman, Director General of Age Concern, said placing mobility scooters in the same class as leisure vehicles was “ludicrous”.
"If scooters are to be made affordable for those who need them, the UKGovernment must put pressure on the EU to totally rethink this policy."
Friday, July 20, 2007
Southampton Centre for Independent Living
SCIL is an organisation run and controlled by Disabled People. We support Disabled People to live independently and campaign for an inclusive society which does not discriminate against Disabled People. We believe that Disabled People should have the same opportunities and quality of life that non-Disabled people take for granted.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Time to Get Equal Week
Scope is the disability organisation whose focus is people with cerebral palsey. The Time to Get Equal Week is part of their ongoing campaign for equality for disabled people. To find out more about the Time to Get Equal campaign, go to
Another excellent campaign supported by Scope is In the Picture which aims to promote the inclusion of disabled children in early years' picture books.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Bathing Made Easy by DLF
Until recently the DLF's database has only been available on subscription to healthcare professionals. Now the DLF has made one section of the database available free of charge for public use - 'Bathing made easy'. Containing detailed, impartial information on over 1,400 personal care items, this online search and comparison website aims to include all products available in the UK. All information has been checked by the DLF’s team of therapists and includes a description, a price guide, dimensions, images and a list of national suppliers.
Dolphin Mobility are proud to support Bathing Made Easy.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Directory of Private Occupational Therapists
It is possible that you may be able to receive the occupational therapy service that you require free of charge from the NHS or your local authority.
It is also possible that you have already approached these services but discovered that you do not qualify for some reason or that there is a waiting list. If this is the case we hope that you will find the assistance that you require from this Directory.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Chiltern Invadex in Administration
THE future is uncertain for Bicester company Chiltern Invadex which has been taken into administration.
So far 55 staff have been made redundant at the firm, based in Wedgwood Road, and 120 workers are left.
Administrators KPMG are looking to sell the business, which supplies products designed to aid mobility and independence for the elderly and less able, as a going concern.
Richard Griffiths, KPMG spokesman said: "We continue to trade, and are talking to a number of interested parties. We are hoping to conclude a sale."
The company has an annual turnover of £14m.
Administrator Allan Graham said: "Difficult trading conditions, along with cashflow problems, have left the directors with no alternative but to place Chiltern Invadex into administration.
"We will now continue to trade the business and are looking to sell it as a going concern. We would be keen to hear from any parties interested in acquiring the business."
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Medtrade Spring - Las Vegas 2007
Exhibit Hall Hours
Wednesday, April 25th 10:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday, April 26th 10:00am – 3:00pm