Disabled Living 0161-214-5959
Are you interested in ...
Products which help with easier and independent living.
Training courses to increase your knowledge of disability issues?
Then you need to know more about Disabled Living.
Where - they are situated just north of Manchester city centre not far from Victoria Station. They have some parking for disabled visitors (currently being extended). There is also free on-street parking in the area. If you have problems finding them please click here to see their map in pdf format.
When - their main opening times are 9.00 a.m to 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Who - their services are open to anyone, no referral is needed. They are useful to disabled and older people, their families, carers and those working in disability, health/social care.
What - Disabled Living, based in Greater Manchester, has given an invaluable service to disabled people of all ages for over 110 years. Today, they offer a comprehensive range of services to improve the quality of life of disabled people, their families and carers. The Disabled Living Equipment Centre provides advice and information about equipment and products to help people make a more informed choice that will enable easier, safer and more independent living.
Other services include: Training - on most aspects of disability and which is aimed at professional and informal carers; PromoCon – a comprehensive resource and confidential help-line (0161 834 2001) for people with bladder and bowel problems and the Sensurround offers multi sensory experiences. To download their agm report please click here.
The Equipment Centre has thousands of products on display all designed with disabled and older people in mind.
At the Disabled Living centre there is a permanent display of equipment for you to try. If you require a piece of equipment not currently on display at Disabled Living, they may be able to obtain this item for you to view at your appointment. The service offers impartial advice about items that can help you keep your independence. Appointments can be booked with the Occupational Therapist to guide you in your equipment choice.