‘OPENBRITAIN’, the new high quality printed guide published by national charities Tourism for All UK and RADAR is published today. The full colour 456-page guide has over 1,000 entries, and includes a wide range of accessible accommodation, as well as attractions, equipment hire and other services. It has 50 pages of featured editorial, and an extensive section on Getting There and Back.
The National Federation of Shopmobility has joined with RADAR and Tourism for All to promote the guide and website. Window stickers with the Open Britain logo provided to those who have supplied access statements and joined Open Britain will help to promote it as a system of information.
For a long time, surveys have shown that disabled people want an easier way to get the information they need, not just about accommodation, but about travel, things to see and do, places to eat and drink, without having to trawl through hundreds of different websites searching for information that all too often is not there. The new www.openbritain.net website that backs up the guide aims to do just that. Visitors and guests are invited to give feedback via the website.